if (typeof LANG_ARRAY == "undefined") { var LANG_ARRAY = new Array(); } LANG_ARRAY["ADMIN"] = "Please report to admin"; LANG_ARRAY["ALREADY"] = "this user is already blocked"; LANG_ARRAY["ALREADY_BAND"] = "this user is already on your bands list"; LANG_ARRAY["ALREADY_FAVS"] = "this user is already on your favorites"; LANG_ARRAY["ALREADY_SHIT"] = "this user is already on your shitlist"; LANG_ARRAY["BANDS"] = "has been added to your bands list"; LANG_ARRAY["BANDS1"] = "Are you sure you want to add"; LANG_ARRAY["BANDS2"] = "to your bands list?"; LANG_ARRAY["BANDS_ERROR"] = "error, cannot add this profile to your bands list"; LANG_ARRAY["BLOCKED_LIST"] = "has been added to your blocked users list"; LANG_ARRAY["BLOCK_YOURSELF"] = "You cannot block yourself"; LANG_ARRAY["CANNOT_RATE"] = "you cannot rate this person"; LANG_ARRAY["CLICK1"] = "click here to go back to"; LANG_ARRAY["CLICK2"] = "'s profile."; LANG_ARRAY["ERROR"] = "Error, this action cannot be performed"; LANG_ARRAY["FAVORITES"] = "has been added to your favorites"; LANG_ARRAY["FAVS1"] = "Are you sure you want to add"; LANG_ARRAY["FAVS2"] = "to your favorites?"; LANG_ARRAY["FRIEND"] = "this user is already your friend"; LANG_ARRAY["FRIENDS1"] = "Are you sure you want to add"; LANG_ARRAY["FRIENDS2"] = "to your friends list?"; LANG_ARRAY["FRIENDS_LIST"] = "has been added to your friends list"; LANG_ARRAY["NOT_AGAIN"] = "you cannot rate them again"; LANG_ARRAY["RATED"] = "you've already rated this person"; LANG_ARRAY["RATED1"] = "You have rated"; LANG_ARRAY["RATE_ERROR"] = "Error rating this user."; LANG_ARRAY["RATE_YOURSELF"] = "You cannot rate yourself"; LANG_ARRAY["SHIT1"] = "Are you sure you want to add"; LANG_ARRAY["SHIT2"] = "to your shit list?"; LANG_ARRAY["SHITLIST"] = "has been added to your shit list"; LANG_ARRAY["SUBMIT"] = "yes, confirm"; LANG_ARRAY["SUBMIT2"] = "yes, confirm"; LANG_ARRAY["SUBMIT3"] = "yes, confirm"; LANG_ARRAY["SUBMIT4"] = "yes, confirm"; LANG_ARRAY["SUBMIT5"] = "yes, confirm"; LANG_ARRAY["SURE"] = "Are you sure you want to block"; LANG_ARRAY["TITLE"] = "at VampireFreaks.com";